underestimated wicked

why can't you be me?

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Location: MPLS!, United States

i'm not very exciting.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

was it good for you?

i've been smoking menthols like a fucking idiot lately.
a few years ago my diet of choice was 3 packs of Kools, cheap chug chardonnay, and a pile of cocaine the size of an egyptian pyramid.
obviously, that's not the case anymore cuz i don't look like those freaky plastic marionettes that pass as actresses these days.
however, the menthols bring back fond memories.
ya know that park on 25th and Colfax? ya know how it looks like a pirate ship(dude, shrooms helped)? ever done a line of sand underneath it thinking you were reaching for yr awesome dope mound? nope? yeah, well, me either. yeah...that's the ticket.

The Brave Little Toaster totes stands the test of time. watched it last night, Jon Lovitz(jealous?) is the voice of the alarm clock, and it made my fucking week.
rent it. punch Blanket in the face.

is it going to start heating up around here again? i need to run around wearing not much more than a tube top and see through unders. just kidding. i wouldn't do that to my community.
flip flops optional.
let's go swimming.
i need to go to a carnival so bad. now now now.

ever see a dog dip her paw in cheese sauce and lick it off like a disgusted housewife? no? come over.


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