underestimated wicked

why can't you be me?

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Location: MPLS!, United States

i'm not very exciting.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Maria, out.

As of 8 minutes ago, I have officially given up on humanity. I just had to re-live a painful tale from "friends" of the past, and I know I say this a lot, but I am literally sick to my fucking stomach. Ask my mother if you need confirmation on this nausea.
Where does all this evil come from? Arms up. I quit. White flag, I surrender, get me the fuck out of this place. People are just not worth my time anymore. Friends? fuck you. I'm done.
All I want to do is liberate the animals, children, and women from this disgusting white male macho oppression, and get the fuck out.
I've got the anger shakes so bad right now that I have had to re-type every single sentence so far.
I am so ready for some severe separation anxiety.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, men suck.

12:55 AM  
Blogger maria said...

my good brotha, it's not just men. trust me.

10:16 AM  

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