underestimated wicked

why can't you be me?

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Location: MPLS!, United States

i'm not very exciting.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Where is Morrissey?

My bochina, Britt just took off to god knows where, and my sister skipped out to go see Danzig in Boston, and I'm sitting here in my jammies. I have to get out. I'm suffocating in the sarcophagus, and I'm totally repulsed by winter. Too much man, too much.
I need to be naked on beach, sipping a Red Stripe, and blogging the old fashion way: composition notebook, and a medium point black Bic.
I've just had it. It's March 1st, and I am in misery. Nature, this time you've gone too far.

The paralyzation has set in. I have to flee before I crawl out of my own skin, and the mailman finds me inside out on the sidewalk with a Hawaii travel brochure clutched in my nerve endings.

I need to be sitting in front of a slot machine with exotic chocolates and a midori. I want to be in Mexico to watch the monarchs come home. Fuck, I'd even take one of those disease ridden indoor water parks with the most boring waterslide on the planet. ANYTHING to get me out of this apartment. Away from my cat, away from my goldfish, away from making my bed, doing the dishes, the telephone ringing, chest hair banging on my door, subzero temperatures, the washing machine, my record collection, smoking, rose incense, dust, hoodies, mittens, icy sidewalks, Lunds at 3am, the jerks at Video Stardom, TCPunk, local bars, Montel, Wells Fargo.

I'm losing my shit. And nobody's reaping the benefits.

I'm going to buy new make-up and make myself feel better. NO! I'm going to buy a plane ticket and do you all a favor before I show up at your door with all my hair missing demanding that you AMUSE ME NOW.

you think i won't when i will?


Blogger J said...

Road trip.

1:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know what you need? A trip to Denny's.

10:17 PM  

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