underestimated wicked

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i'm not very exciting.

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Teenage Phlebotomy

I'm too weary to explain how defeating the learning process of blood banking is.
I'm just spent. Part of it is that I'm used to going to bed at 6am, and not waking up then. And I've met too many woman of the ages 25 and under who are completely unhappy because they choose to live their lives as dilapidated old rags who look like leather muppets.

So, to cheer my self up, here's a list of my white hot crushes for the week of Dec. 20 -Dec. 26

1. Jason Bateman. If you would have told me 10 years ago that I would be addicted to a television show with him as the star, I would have spit beer all over your crotch. Now he's radioactive sexualness.

2. Jimmy Fallon. Fuck you. We're getting married.

3. Macaulay Culkin. Pasty delight.

4. Val Kilmer when he was in Tombstone. I just saw it for the first time, and he can totally be my Huckleberry. But only from that movie, otherwise he can fuck off. I heart dirty cowboys.

5. The boy with the lip ring at Video Stardom. I'd rent Anger Management just have him check me out. But he's not allowed to speak. After talking to him for 2 minutes at a time, 3 times a week, I've decided he's a total idiot.


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