underestimated wicked

why can't you be me?

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Location: MPLS!, United States

i'm not very exciting.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

I bet the president hates punk rock, too.

I just got another visit from the Music Hating Fairy. I answered the door to find him in his beige shorty robe. ughh... Just as I was really starting to feel serene tonight, that fucker busts in and ruins my entire night. Now I can't focus. And I had a really busy night planned of beer drinking, Curb Your Enthusiasm watching, smoking, and jammie wearing. Thanks a lot, fucker. Now all I see is a slimey, freshly waxed chest in my brain. godamnitt anyways.
Might as well go to bed and get ready for the night terrors.

by the by...Remember not to make any purchases today as it's the monkey's inauguration. If he's going to go about his "business as usual," we're not.



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